In this article we look at how to manage units of measurement when using Vcad to analyze BIM model...
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Vcad Standalone and Vcad for ACC differences
Vcad comes in two versions: Standalone and integrated with Autodesk Construction Cloud, this...
Highlight rooms in 2D views of your Revit files
In this article we will look at how to apply themes to the rooms in your 2D views in Revit...
How to start Vcad Standalone trial
If you want to test Vcad you can do it for free in a few steps. Vcad's trial account expires in 10...
Revit and Navisworks local source templates
Local source templates are no longer needed.New Vcad templates (called MAIN PARQUET)...
How to create your own Power BI template in Vcad
Vcad provides users with a predefined set of Power BI templates both as a starting point for...
How to add more than one model in the same report
For several reasons it may be useful to add more than one BIM model to the same report or...
Manage OBJ format with texture in Vcad
Vcad can now handle .obj files with textures. What is an OBJ file? OBJ is a geometry definition...
Replace a Bim model in an existing report
This procedure applies only if you are NOT using MAIN PARQUET reports version 2 and later. For...
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