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Open viewer options

Ifc Data

The Model Data option grouping contains options to setup the model to render in the custom visual.

Ifc Data Url

Defines the API endpoint used to retrieve the desired model.


Default value

The default value which will be setup in the automatically generated templates should be sufficient and not changed by the user.
Default value: “”

Ifc File Id

Reference to the Vcad slot related to the model to be rendered.


Default value

The default value which will be setup in the automatically generated templates should be sufficient and not changed by the user.

Viewer Options

The Viewer Options grouping contains general viewer options.

ModelGuid from Field
The option allows you to manage the loading of a model based on a column of a table on the report.
The name of the field to use must be specified in the Field/ModelGuid section.
Viewer background color
Allows you to change the background colour of the viewer.
Default value: white.
Selection Default Color

Defines the selection color to be used.

Show Theme Color

Enables application of theme colors to the model.

When toggled a theme color selector will be displayed in the top left corner of the custom visual.

Viewer initial position

Allows you to set the position of the model when opening the report. To make the changes effective, it is necessary to save the report.

Available Options: None, Front, Back, Top, Bottom, Left and Right.

Internal Settings

Contains options for Vcad configuration purposes.

Internal Settings

This section is used by the custom visual to save certain settings. The user must not change it.

Hide Spaces

The options determines whether or not rooms should be hidden in the model.

Hide Spaces (Group Toggle)

The option will hide all rooms and spaces in the model.

This option can be useful to increase visibility when rooms and spaces are not the focus of the report.

Floor Filter

The Floor Filter option group determines if and how the model should be sectioned based on floors.

NOTE: For the floor filter to work, the “Floor Filter” filed must be bound to data.

Floor Filter (Group Toggle)

Enable model sectioning based on floors.

Show Model File List

Section dedicated to loading multiple models into a single custom visual.

Show Model File List

Displays a list of available models in a combo box at the top left of the viewer and allows the user to change the model at runtime.
To be used in conjunction with the ModelGuid from Field option.

Data Tree

Navigation of data and model properties.

Data Tree

Allows browsing of the model data within the viewer, displaying a window with data trees and a window with the details of the properties of the selected object.

Pbi Data To Viewer

The option group contains all the options regarding the “sync data to viewer” toolbar.

Pbi Data To Viewer (Group Toggle)

Displays or hides the “sync data to viewer” toolbar.

Sync From Data Sected on Start (Currently in Beta)

Manage the synchronization status among the other visuals and Vcad at the start of the report (currently not implemented)

Show Zoom on Select

Show the “Zoom on Select” button of the toolbar.

Zoom on Select Default

Set the default status of the “Zoom on Select” option.

This default value will be applied to the  viewer regardless of the button visibility in the toolbar.

Show Hide Not Selected

Show the “Hide Not Selected” button of the toolbar.

Hide Not Selected Default

Set the default status of the “Hide Not Selected” option.

This default value will be applied to the  viewer regardless of the button visibility in the toolbar.

Show XRay Not Selected

Show the “XRay Mode” button of the toolbar.

XRay Not Selected Default

Set the default status of the “XRay Mode” option.

This default value will be applied to the  viewer regardless of the button visibility in the toolbar.

Viewer To Pbi Data

The option group contains all the options regarding the “sync viewer to data” toolbar.

Viewer To Pbi Data (Toggle)

Displays or hides the “sync viewer to data” toolbar.

Sync From Viewer Sected on Start

Configures the default behavior, at the start of the report, of the propagation of the selection filter from the Vcad viewer to the report data.

If checked, selecting one or more items in the viewer will update the report filters, filtering out the other visuals


Animation (Toggle)

The custom visual Vcad allows you to create a column-driven animation of a table in PowerBi.

To use the animation option it is necessary to indicate the field of the table that will guide the animation in the Field/Animation Filter option.

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