Forge viewer options
Model Data
The Model Data option grouping contains options to setup the model to render in the custom visual.
Data Url
Defines the API endpoint used to retrieve the desired model.
Default value
The default value which will be setup in the automatically generated templates should be sufficient and not changed by the user.
Default value: “”
File Id
Reference to the Vcad slot related to the model to be rendered.
Default value
The default value which will be setup in the automatically generated templates should be sufficient and not changed by the user.
Element Binding
The Element Binding option grouping contains options to hide IDs.
ObjectId to Hide
Semicolon separater list of IDs to hide.
Forge Options
The Forge Options grouping contains options specific to the Forge viewer and model rendering.
Selected View Guid
Defines GUID of the view to render.
The option is meant to be used with Revit files, and may be ignored for other file formats.
The option will be setup automatically when using the generated templates.
NOTE: The list of available view Guids can be found in the VCAD_Views data-set.
Viewer version
Version of the APS viewer to use.
By default, the latest version of APS is used. It is advisable not to change this field if you are not sure which version you want to use.
Use SVF2 (Currently in Beta)
Offers support for SVF2 conversions when available.
NOTE: Models in BIM360 and ACC are converted in SVF as well as SVF2; so SVF2 streaming should be available when using the integration of Vcad with BIM360 and ACC.
Forge Wait Full Geometry Load
The option determines the behavior of the visual in relation to the data and model loading, allowing the interaction with the model before all the model geometries have been loaded.
Available Options:
- Off (Default value): The data loading and the application of the initial viewer options is delayed until the instance tree is successfully created. The interaction will be possible before all model geometries have been loaded
- On: The data loading and the application of the initial viewer options is delayed until the entire model/drawing finishes loading.
Vieweable Default Index (Currently in Beta)
Determines the index of the model view to be rendered.
This option is only relevant when using Revit files, to determine which of the exported revit views to render.
Default value
The default value which will be setup in the automatically generated templates should be sufficient and not changed by the user.
The default view index will coincide with the view used when downloading the model data.
Show Document Select
Enable the selector for Revit Views or Navisworks viewpoints
Hide Forge Toolbar
The option will hide the Forge toolbar in the visual.
Hide IoT Toolbar
The option will hide the IoT toolbar. IoT features, i.e., heatmaps and markers, will still work correctly but the toolbar will be hidden.
Viewer Options
The Viewer Options grouping contains general viewer options.
Max Selection Count
Default value
The default value is setup to ensure good performance and fast response times, however the value may be altered to suit the report creator’s needs.
Default value: 90000
Viewer Type - Deprecated
Available Options:
- XBim: The Open Viewer.
- Forge: The Autodesk Forge viewer.
Default value
When using one of the automatically generated templates this option will already be correctly configured and should not changed by the user.
Selection Default Color
Defines the selection color to be used.
Color Transparency
Change the transparency level of the selection color.
Toolbar scale
The options defines a scale to be assigned to all UI elements (toolbars and buttons).
Available Options:
The value must be a positive decimal number.
Multi Model Options
The Multi Model Options grouping.
Multi-model startup filter
Enable model filtering on first visual initialization. When this option is active, the viewer will load all required models, based on the selection active during initialization. Subsequent data selections will not trigger a model load or unload, models will simply be hidden or shown as needed.
This option may have a performance impact when the viewer is being initialized but reduces subsequent model loads. Therefore, it is preferable if there is a reduced number of models or if the selected models are not going to change during visualization. It is particularly useful when combined with an initial navigation filter.
Hide Not Selected Models
If enabled, models that do not include assets in the current selection will be hidden regardless of the Hide not selected and Xray not selected options.
Load Options
The Load Options grouping contains options regarding initial model loading.
Apply Highlight On Start
Defines whether the model should be highlighted based on the report selection when the model t is first loaded.
Selection Options
The Selection Options grouping contains options model item selection.
Forge Selection Mode
Sets selection granularity mode.
Available Options:
- Leaf: Always select the leaf objects in the hierarchy.
- First: For a given node, selects the first non-composite (layer, collection, model) on the path from the root to the given node, and all children.
- Last: For a given node, selects the nearest ancestor composite node and all children. Selects the input node itself in case there is no composite node in the path to the root node.
On return to startup selection
Determine the behavior of the viewer when the selection matches the startup selection.
Note: by “Startup Selection” we intend the active selection when the viewer is first loaded.
Forge Selection Override
Overrides the default selection functionality.
When equal to true, the viewer will return the parent of the selected element if the element is body or solid.
The option is useful in some cases, when extracting IFC data from Forge where the associated data is relative to the parent.
Note: In templates for DWG files, the default for this option is set to “off”, as this will better suit most files.
Show Tooltip On Mouse Over
Render a tooltip when hovering over a model geometry.
The objectId of the hovered object will be fed to tooltip to calculate the correct data.
For more information on using tooltips in Vcad refere to this article.
Traverse Ancestors On Mouse Over
With this option enabled the tooltip will show, if possible, the value of the first available parent in the selection.
Geometry click selection delay
Delay the selection in the model to avoid double selections when interacting with very large lists of data.
Hide Rooms
The options determines whether or not rooms should be hidden in the model.
Hide Rooms (Group Toggle)
The option will hide all rooms and spaces in the model.
This option can be useful to increase visibility when rooms and spaces are not the focus of the report.
The options determine if and how, markers will be visible in the model.
Markers (Group Toggle)
The option enable markers.
Enable On Start
Applies markers when the model is first loaded.
NOTE: The Enable On Start option will not work if the Load Options/Apply Highlight On Start is set to Off.
Use Unit Scale Position
Convert the marker position coordinates from model scale to the viewer scale.
NOTE: This option is only considered if the visual’s Marker Position field is bound to position coordinates.
Use Global Offset Position
Apply the models global offset to the position coordinates.
NOTE: This option is only considered if the visual’s Marker Position field is bound to position coordinates.
Marker Default visibility Type
Defines the default visibility type for markers.
Available Options:
- All in Front: Keep markers always visible in the forefront of the viewer.
- Occluded View: Render markers inside the model’s space and allow geometries to be rendered in front.
Marker Filter Mode
Defines which marker will be rendered when multiple markers exist for a single asset.
Available Options:
- None: No value filtering
- Last Timestamp: Render the markers related to the latest timestamp provided.
- Last per GUID: Render the marker related to the latest timestamp for each Marker Guid.
NOTE: This option can only work if there is a correct binding on the IoT Timestamp field.
Base Theme
The Base Theme grouping contains all options that allow the definition of a base theme for the model.
Base Theme (Group Toggle)
The option applies a base theme to the model.
Color Transparency
The option defines the level of transparency of the theme applied over the model.
Available Options:
The value must be a decimal number between 0 and 1.
Base Theme Color
Defines the color to apply over the model as a base theme.
Theme Colors
The “Theme Colors” option group enables the application of colors to the model.
NOTE: To apply themes to the model the colors must be bound to the “Highlight Color” field of the custom visual.
Theme Colors (Group Toggle)
Enables application of theme colors to the model.
When toggled a theme color selector will be displayed in the top left corner of the custom visual.
Default Theme Index
Defines the index of the color theme to apply on startup.
Color Transparency
Defines a transparency of the applied theme colors.
Floor Filter
The Floor Filter option group determines if and how the model should be sectioned based on floors.
NOTE: For the floor filter to work, the “Floor Filter” filed must be bound to data.
Floor Filter (Group Toggle)
Enable model sectioning based on floors.
Use Level Id
The options determines if the data bound in the “Floor Filter” field should be interpreted as the Level name or the Level Id.
Pbi Data To Viewer
The option group contains all the options regarding the “sync data to viewer” toolbar.
Pbi Data To Viewer (Group Toggle)
Displays or hides the “sync data to viewer” toolbar.
Sync From Data Sected on Start (Currently in Beta)
Manage the synchronization status among the other visuals and Vcad at the start of the report (currently not implemented)
Show Zoom on Select
Show the “Zoom on Select” button of the toolbar.
Zoom on Select Default
Set the default status of the “Zoom on Select” option.
This default value will be applied to the viewer regardless of the button visibility in the toolbar.
Show Hide Not Selected
Show the “Hide Not Selected” button of the toolbar.
Hide Not Selected Default
Set the default status of the “Hide Not Selected” option.
This default value will be applied to the viewer regardless of the button visibility in the toolbar.
Show XRay Not Selected
Show the “XRay Mode” button of the toolbar.
XRay Not Selected Default
Set the default status of the “XRay Mode” option.
This default value will be applied to the viewer regardless of the button visibility in the toolbar.
Viewer To Pbi Data
The option group contains all the options regarding the “sync viewer to data” toolbar.
Viewer To Pbi Data (Toggle)
Displays or hides the “sync viewer to data” toolbar.
Sync From Viewer Selected on Start
Configures the default behavior, at the start of the report, of the propagation of the selection filter from the Vcad viewer to the report data.
If checked, selecting one or more items in the viewer will update the report filters, filtering out the other visuals
Selection Toolbar
The option group contains all the options regarding the “selection” toolbar.
Selection Toolbar (Toggle)
Displays or hides the “selection” toolbar.
Hide 'Selection' Button
Hides the “selection” button of the toolbar.
Hide 'Hide' Button
Hides the “hide” button of the toolbar
Default Selection Mode
Define the default selection model.
This default value will be applied to the viewer regardless of the toolbar visibility.
Available Options:
- None: No selection.
- Single: Single selection of assets.
- Multi: Multi selection of assets.
Show viewer missing options
Determine if and how to display the number of missing objectIds provided to the viewer.